Final STS-128 Spacewalk Concludes

Spacewalkers Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang have completed the third and final STS-128 spacewalk at 11:40…

Third Spacewalk of STS-128 Mission Begins

At 4:39 p.m. EDT, NASA astronaut Danny Olivas and ESA astronaut Christer Fuglesang began the third…

Third STS-128 Spacewalk Today

Today’s wakeup song was “El Hijo del Pueblo” performed by Alfredo Jimenez, played for Mission Specialist…

Astronauts ready for final spacewalk of Discovery mission

Astronauts from the US space shuttle Discovery were readying Saturday to venture out of the International…

News Conference for Crews

Shuttle and station crew members are scheduled to participate in a joint crew news conference at…

Crew to Enjoy Off-Duty Time

The crew was awakened at noon EDT. The 13 crew members aboard Discovery and the International…

Ammonia Tank Working Well; Transfers Ahead of Schedule

During the second STS-128 spacewalk, mission specialists Danny Olivas and Christer Fuglesang installed a new Ammonia…

Envisat captures Hurricane Jimena – Image

Credits: ESA

Weaknesses in dikes detected by space tech spin-off

A company from one of ESA’s Business Incubation Centres has used space technology to develop a…

Second of Three STS-128 Spacewalks Concludes

The second of three STS-128 spacewalks concluded Friday at 12:51 a.m. EDT. It lasted 6 hours,…