The K7RA Solar Update

Following a good two-week run, sunspots disappeared after April 20. The average daily sunspot…

Tomorrow Inc: how Stanley Kubrick designed the future

Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition comes to London’s Design Museum, and in its wake a renewed fascination…

The giant galaxy around the giant black hole

On April 10, 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) unveiled the first-ever image of a black…

Chemical probes pave the way for a better understanding of disease development

Proteins produced in cells often undergo modifications by enzymes after they are formed. One type of…

Hayabusa-2: Spacecraft's 'bomb' crater found

The Hayabusa-2 spacecraft sends back images of the crater made when it detonated an explosive charge…

New report explores barriers to employment for refugees and 'asylum migrants'

Efforts to help refugees who have settled in the UK to integrate into British society have…

Designing ocean ecological systems in the lab

Researchers from MIT have discovered simple rules of assembly of ocean microbiomes that degrade complex polysaccharides…

New insights into quantum measurements

Researchers from the University of Bristol have shed new light on the process of quantum measurement,…

School choice does not achieve social mix across schools

A new study has found that school choice is associated with higher levels of segregation among…

The day the asteroid might hit

For the first time, ESA will cover a major international asteroid impact exercise live via social…