Spintronics: Innovative crystals for future computer electronics

Computer chips and storage elements are expected to function as quickly as possible and be energy-saving…

Bark of neem tree may protect against coronavirus variants, study finds

Extract from the bark of the Neem tree may help treat and reduce the spread of…

Elephant seal’s map sense tells them when to head ‘home’

Each year, pregnant female elephant seals take an approximately 240-day trek over 10,000 kilometers across the…

New, nature-inspired concepts for turning CO2 into clean fuels

Researchers have developed an efficient concept to turn carbon dioxide into clean, sustainable fuels, without any…

PIA25191: Acheron Fossae

           Target: Mars Mission:  2001 Mars Odyssey Instrument:  THEMIS Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU Click here…

Climate migrants could face a world of closing doors

People driven from their homes as global warming redraws the map of habitable zones are unlikely…

ESA statement regarding cooperation with Russia following a meeting with Member States on 28 February 2022

ESA statement regarding cooperation with Russia following a meeting with Member States on 28 February 2022 …

ISS Daily Summary Report – 2/28/2022

Payloads: Astrobatics:  Astrobatics Skins hardware was installed onto the Astrobee and the crew assisted the ground…

Intelsat Collaborates With Microsoft to Demonstrate Private Cellular Network Using Intelsat’s Global Satellite and Ground Network

Intelsat Collaborates With Microsoft to Demonstrate Private Cellular Network Using Intelsat’s Global Satellite and Ground Network …

New data analysis tool uncovers important COVID-19 clues

A new data analysis tool developed by Yale researchers has revealed the specific immune cell types…