Social networking for fossils shows community impacts of mass extinctions

By applying an algorithm akin to what social media sites use to make friend suggestions, researchers…

Gas flares tied to premature deaths

Engineers suggest that flaring of natural gas at oil and gas fields in the United States,…

Commercial floor cleaners found to produce as much aerosol pollution particles as public roads

A team of researchers from Indiana University, Purdue University, Université de Lille, Center for Energy and…

How do marine gases affect cloud formation?

Studying the global climate—and how it’s changing—involves examining thousands of small processes, chemical mechanisms, local weather…

Music can help lift our kids out of the literacy rut, but schools in some states are still missing out

The 2005 National Review of School Music Education found many Australian students missed out on music…

Joe Reisert, W1JR, Wins the February 2022 QST Cover Plaque Award

The winning article for the February 2022 QST Cover Plaque award is “12- and 17-Meter Antenna…

Webb mirror alignment continues successfully

Webb continues on its path to becoming a focused observatory. The team has successfully worked through…

ULA Atlas V rocket topped off with NOAA's GOES-T satellite

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-T (GOES-T) satellite now officially has…

Too many words, too little action: Climate justice is essential to limit climate change

The world is already at 1.1C and, consequently, along with steep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions…

When money is tight, 'purchase happiness' is low

Whether they’re getting a new shirt, a new computer, or taking a trip, people derive less…