ISS experiments to find solutions for cleaning up orbital debris and repairing damaged satellites

In 2002, the European Space Agency launched Envisat, the largest civilian satellite (at the time) to…

Analysis finds plastic pollution prevention efforts slowed during pandemic

A new analysis from Duke University’s Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions suggests efforts to address…

Strong, stretchy, self-healing polymers rapidly recover from damage

A polymer that heals itself with unprecedented speed and efficacy when cut—almost completely recovering its original…

Origin of the 30,000-year-old Venus of Willendorf discovered

The almost 11-cm-high Venus figurine from Willendorf (Austria) is one of the most important examples of…

UN urged to tackle plastic trash 'epidemic' with treaty

The United Nations opened an environment summit in Nairobi on Monday where nations are being urged…

ESA statement regarding cooperation with Russia following a meeting with Member States on 28 February 2022

Press Release N° 6–2022 We deplore the human casualties and tragic consequences of the war in…

EXPLAINER: UN 'house on fire' climate report key to action

A new science report from the United Nations will spell out in excruciating detail the pain…

UN climate report: 'Atlas of human suffering' worse, bigger

Deadly with extreme weather now, climate change is about to get so much worse. It is…

Study provides first nationwide snapshot of NZ conservation volunteers

University of Otago research surveyed 986 conservation volunteers to get a sense of who they are,…

Understanding molecular basis of lateral root development in rice

The ability of rice plants to modify their root systems to adapt to the surrounding soil…