Astronomers Map Mysterious Element Ytterbium In Space

A research team led by Lund University in Sweden has provided an important clue to the…

NGC 3576: Massive Stars Revealed by Chandra

NGC 3576 is a giant HII region of glowing gas located about 9,000 light years from…

Climate change: UN report to show true scale of impacts

A landmark study on how global warming is altering our planet is set to be released…

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 27 February 2022

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 27 February 2022 Click here for…

Dogs show signs of mourning after loss of canine companions

Dogs are deeply affected by the deaths of canine companions, eating and playing less and seeking…

Australian 'rain bomb' floods claim sixth life

Flooding on Australia’s east coast claimed another life overnight, bringing the death toll from the extreme…

Rash-causing moth spreading due to warming, scientists find

A forest pest that bedevils Maine residents and tourists with hairs that cause an itchy rash…

Active Slope Flows On The Central Hills of Hale Crater, Mars

HiRISE has been monitoring steep slopes on Mars because some of them reveal active processes. …

Cosmic Flashes Pinpointed To A Surprising Location In Space

Astronomers have been surprised by the closest source of mysterious flashes in the sky called fast…

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 26 February 2022

Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast 26 February 2022 Click here for…