Earth from Space: Vancouver

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over Vancouver – the third largest city in Canada. …

Vancouver, Canada

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission takes us over Vancouver – the third largest city in Canada. …

First complete coronavirus model shows cooperation

The COVID-19 virus holds some mysteries. Scientists remain in the dark on aspects of how it…

Social dilemma follows 2018 eruption of Kilauea volcano

The unprecedented cost of the 2018 Kilauea eruption in Hawai’i reflects the intersection of distinct physical…

Scientists use Doppler to peer inside cells

Doppler radar improves lives by peeking inside air masses to predict the weather. A Purdue University…

Nuclear physicists on the hunt for squeezed protons

While protons populate the nucleus of every atom in the universe, sometimes they can be squeezed…

Imaging space debris in high resolution

Litter is not only a problem on Earth. According to NASA, there are currently millions of…

Study highlights need for improving methane emission database

A University of Oklahoma-led study published in 2020 revealed that both area and plant growth of…

Study uncovers flaws in process for maintaining state voter rolls

States regularly use administrative records, such as motor-vehicle data, in determining whether people have moved to…

Huge gaps in UK regulation exist following transition from EU, new academic report finds

The UK is still not in a position to assume responsibility for regulation in several critical…