Parrots are clever because their brains evolved the same way as ours

Like humans, parrots have big brains and good communication skills – now we know the DNA…

Facebook grew so big that it destabilised the world. What now?

Facebook used to “move fast and break things”, but now everything is broken. Here’s what governments…

Facebook grew so big that it destabilised the world. What now?

Facebook used to “move fast and break things”, but now everything is broken. Here’s what governments…

Seven steps to save the planet: How to take on climate change and win

It's the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced, but we can keep global warming to within…

Seven steps to save the planet: How to take on climate change and win

It's the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced, but we can keep global warming to within…

Why was HIV chosen as the first target for embryo gene editing?

He Jiankui has tried to create babies that are resistant to HIV infection. But there are…

Climate change made the sweltering 2018 heatwave 30 times more likely

A study by the UK's Met Office has found that climate change made this year's northern…

Climate change made the sweltering 2018 heatwave 30 times more likely

A study by the UK's Met Office has found that climate change made this year's northern…

Bacteria could protect old paintings from pigment-eating microbes

The microbiome of a 400-year-old painting includes bacteria and fungi that eat pigments but a treatment…

Tiny sun sensor warns you when your skin is about to burn

A miniature sensor that can be stuck to your skin, clothing or jewellery monitors your UV exposure…