Radio amateur brings her hobby to university

Kettering University reports student Ruth Willet KM4LAO brings her amateur radio expertise to campus. Ruth, who…

HamRadioNow interviews AMSAT President Joe Spier K6WAO

AMSAT President Joe Spier K6WAO talks about AMSAT and Satellites with Gary Pearce KN4AQ of HamRadioNow…

AmsatDroidFree now open source

David Johnson G4DPZ has announced that his AmsatDroidFree satellite tracking App for Android devices is now…

FM transponder satellite AO-92 open for amateur radio use

On the 03:25 UTC pass on January 26, 2018, AMSAT Vice President Engineering Jerry Buxton, N0JY,…

PicSat Requests Ham Radio Assistance to Capture/Upload Telemetry

The CubeSat PicSat carrying an amateur radio FM transponder was launched on the same PSLV-C40 flight…

Zhou Enlai student satellite to launch

The 2U CubeSat Zhou Enlai 周恩来 developed with primary and middle school students is expected to…

AO-73 / FUNcube-1 Illumination – Update January 15, 2018

The time when AO-73 enters continuous sunlight, for the first time, is fast approaching. Current estimates…

Ham radio CubeSat launch success

CubeSats carrying amateur radio payloads were among the 31 satellites successfully launched on January 12 at…

PicSat to launch Friday

The PicSat 3U CubeSat carrying an amateur radio 145/435 MHz FM transponder is planned to launch…

BBC TV to show Michael Portillo moonbounce

The former MP for Enfield Southgate, Michael Portillo, used 5.6 GHz amateur radio to bounce a…