Norwich School Ground Control Day

Ahead of the amateur radio link up with ISS astronaut Tim Peake GB1SS, later this month,…

AMSAT Phase 4B Ground Engineering Report

On February 13, Michelle Thompson W5NYV released her latest AMSAT Phase 4B Ground Engineering Report. Michelle…

ARISS contact planned for Oasis Academy Brightstowe

Friday, February 19, 2016, at approximately 14:23 UT, an ARISS contact is planned for Oasis Academy…


Founded in 1975 AMSAT-UK is a voluntary organisation that supports the design and building of equipment…

History of HamTV on the ISS

Thursday, February 11, 2016, at 18:09 UTC, an educational ARISS radio contact took place at the…

Radio ham on BBC Radio Norfolk

Steve Nichols G0KYA got some good publicity for amateur radio by letting his local media outlets…

ARISS UK release full video of Tim Peake and RMS contact

This is the 77 minute video of the ARISS contact between Tim Peake GB1SS and the…

Southampton University students receive Tim Peake

Christian Jacobs 2E0ICL and other members of the Southampton University Wireless Society (SUWS) listened to the…

More history made at second amateur radio call

The second live amateur radio call to a British school with Tim Peake GB1SS took place…

ISS HamTV used for school contact

In a Tweet sent February 11 the UK Space Agency noted that the HamTV Digital Amateur…