At tremendous precision, the proton and antiproton still seem identical

Using a novel two-particle measurement method, a group of researchers measured the magnetic moment of the…

Nature or nurture? Innate social behaviors in the mouse brain

The brain circuitry that controls innate, or instinctive, behaviors such as mating and fighting was thought…

Riddle of matter remains unsolved: Proton and antiproton share fundamental properties

Physicists have been able to measure the magnetic force of antiprotons with almost unbelievable precision.

Inflammation trains the skin to heal faster

Stem cells in the skin remember an injury, helping them close recurring wounds faster, researchers have…

Petals produce a ‘blue halo’ that helps bees find flowers

Latest research has found that several common flower species have nanoscale ridges on the surface of…

Solar eruptions could electrify Martian moons

Powerful solar eruptions could electrically charge areas of the Martian moon Phobos to hundreds of volts,…

For $1000, anyone can purchase online ads to track your location and app use

New research finds that for a budget of roughly $1000, it is possible for someone to…

Illinois sportfish recovery a result of 1972 Clean Water Act, scientists report

Populations of largemouth bass, bluegill, catfish and other sportfish are at the highest levels recorded in…

New findings explain how UV rays trigger skin cancer

Melanoma, a cancer of skin pigment cells called melanocytes, will strike an estimated 87,110 people in…

DNA tests on albatross excrement reveal secret diet of top predator

A study that used DNA tests to analyse the scats of one of the world's most…