Archaeologists uncover ancient trading network in Vietnam

A team of archaeologists has uncovered a vast trading network which operated in Vietnam from around…

Climate change and habitat conversion combine to homogenize nature

Climate change and habitat conversion to agriculture are working together to homogenize nature. In other words,…

Histone 1, the guardian of genome stability

Genomic instability is the main risk factor for tumor development in humans. Therefore understanding its origin…

Gene variant activity is surprisingly variable between tissues

Every tissue has its own pattern of active alleles, a large-scale study has found. Researchers were…

Right kind of collaboration is key to solving environmental problems

Society's ability to solve environmental problems is tied to how different actors collaborate and the shape…

Allergies: Cross-reactivity between cypress pollen and peaches/citrus fruits explained

Medical researchers have identified the likely origin of the cross-reactivity between cypress pollen, peaches and citrus…

Citrus fruits were the clear status symbols of the nobility in the ancient Mediterranean

New research reveals that citrons and lemons were status symbols for the ancient Roman ruling elite.…

Spider silk protein may be useful for engineering artificial cardiac tissue

Ever more people are suffering from cardiac insufficiency. The main cause of reduced cardiac functionality lies…

Hypertension during pregnancy may affect women’s long-term cardiovascular health

Women who experience hypertension during pregnancy face an increased risk of heart disease and hypertension later…

Hypertension during pregnancy may affect women’s long-term cardiovascular health

Women who experience hypertension during pregnancy face an increased risk of heart disease and hypertension later…