Living long and living well: Is it possible to do both?

Scientists are developing metrics to identify the health markers for old age in the roundworm, C.…

New evidence reveals source of 1586 Sanriku, Japan tsunami

A team of researchers re-examined historical evidence around the Pacific and discovered the origin of the…

Hiding in plain sight: New species of flying squirrel discovered

A new study describes a newly discovered third species of flying squirrel in North America --…

Guts to glory? Newly discovered enzyme complexes in herbivore digestive tracts show promise for sustainable fuels, medicines

A newly discovered enzyme complexes in herbivore digestive tracts show promise for sustainable fuels and medicines,…

What makes a movement feel strenuous?

Scientists have determined which characteristics of an arm movement influence the subjective effort associated with this…

Digital games improve mental health, educational outcomes of Syrian refugee children

Digital games can effectively teach refugee children much-needed skills -- including a new language, cognitive skills,…

Caregiving by family members, other unpaid individuals

Caregiving is a significant public health topic because it affects the health and well-being of both…

New target found to attack an incurable brain tumor in children

A tumor suppressor gene p16 is turned off by a histone mutation (H3.3K27M), which is found…

Clinical benefit of clot retrieval now proven up to 24 hours after major ischemic stroke

Mechanical thrombectomy, which is an endovascular treatment to remove a stroke-causing blood clot in the brain,…

Jackpot! Cosmic magnifying-glass effect captures universe’s brightest galaxies

Boosted by natural magnifying lenses in space, NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured unique close-up views…