Mining the data mother lode

Social media content combined with other sources of health information in a unique way has helped…

Enrollment in early intervention services may be influenced by administering agency

Many eligible children do not enroll in services to improve cognitive, behavioral and physical skills under…

Sequential options prompt future thinking, boost patience

When faced with a tempting choice, it can be hard to stop and think through the…

Does the sex of a cell matter in research?

Scientists who study obesity, diabetes or other metabolic diseases can now better account for inherent sex…

Neurodegenerative disease mechanism and potential drug identified

Two new studies of neurodegenerative diseases linked to mitochondrial defects offer hope for developing a new…

3D skin made of stem cells treats backbone birth defect in rodents

Myelomeningocele is a severe congenital defect in which the backbone and spinal canal do not close…

Study could help explain link between seizures and psychiatric disorders

Scientists have identified different types of neurons in a brain region called the reticular thalamus. A…

Is white or whole wheat bread ‘healthier?’ Depends on the person

Despite many studies looking at which bread is the healthiest, it is still not clear what…

Standard dosage for one lung cancer treatment may be too high

The customary pembrolizumab dose for treatment of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer may be higher than…

A star is born: Lesser-known brain cell takes center stage

A new method efficiently grows human astrocytes in a dish, advancing studies of stroke, Alzheimer's and…