Promising new treatment option for chronic plaque psoriasis

A new study tested the efficacy of tildrakizumab, an antibody that targets only a very specific…

New ultrathin material for splitting water could make hydrogen production cheaper

Chemists have invented a new, cheap catalyst for splitting water with an electrical current to efficiently…

Gut bacteria could protect cancer patients and pregnant women from Listeria

Researchers have discovered that bacteria living in the gut provide a first line of defense against…

Neutrino discovery: A step closer to finding CP violation

The different rates of neutrino and anti-neutrino oscillations recorded by an international collaboration of researchers is…

Young at heart: Restoring cardiac function with a matrix molecule

Research has uncovered a molecule in newborn hearts that appears to control the renewal process. When…

Japan’s largest complete dinosaur skeleton discovered

The complete skeleton of an eight-meter-long dinosaur has been unearthed from marine deposits dating back 72…

Brain damage can make sideways faces more memorable, and give us ’emotion blindness’

People with damage to a crucial part of the brain fail to recognize facial emotions, but…

Why do Antarctic krill stocks fluctuate?

It is only six centimeters long, but it plays a major role in the Antarctic ecosystem:…

New surgical techniques help save patients from life-threatening heart condition

Cardiac surgeons are successfully performing more extensive surgical repairs of type A aortic dissection -- one…

Dogs help in breast carcinoma research

Cancer of the mammary glands in dogs is very similar to human breast carcinoma. For this…