New insight into brain development disorder

Two years ago, the Zika virus drew attention to microcephaly, a developmental disorder in which the…

Next-generation microscopy

A novel microscopy method allows unprecedented insights into the spatial organization and direct interactions of immune…

Clarifying the mechanism for suppressing turbulence through ion mass

Scientists have clarified through theory and simulation research that turbulence in a plasma confined in the…

From abundant hydrocarbons to rare spin liquids

Fuel such as gasoline is made up of hydrocarbons -- a family of molecules consisting entirely…

Robot radiology: Low cost A.I. could screen for cervical cancer better than humans

Medical researchers have created a cervical cancer screening technique that, based on an analysis of a…

NASA’s Cassini, Voyager missions suggest new picture of Sun’s interaction with galaxy

New data from three NASA missions show that the heliosphere -- the bubble of the Sun's…

Graphene withstands high pressure, may aid in desalination

Used in filtration membranes, ultrathin material could help make desalination more productive.

Nature plants a seed of engineering inspiration

Researchers have quantitatively deconstructed what they describe as the 'ingenious mobility strategies' of seeds that self-burrow…

Climate change predicted to increase Nile flow variability

The unpredictable annual flow of the Nile River is legendary, as evidenced by the story of…

Hormone-influenced social strategies shape human social hierarchy, study shows

In a game of chicken, the most aggressive players are fueled by testosterone and are more…