After the death of a friend, healing in a human social network

The first large-scale study of recovery and resilience after a death in a friend group --…

Methadone may reduce need for opioids after surgery

Patients undergoing spinal fusion surgery who are treated with methadone during the procedure require significantly less…

Graphene withstands high pressure, may aid in desalination

Used in filtration membranes, ultrathin material could help make desalination more productive, explain researchers in a…

New mechanism mediating environment-microbe-host interactions

Researchers have uncovered a new mechanism showing how microbes can alter the physiology of the organisms…

Nanoparticle vaccine shows potential as immunotherapy to fight multiple cancer types

A first-of-its-kind nanoparticle vaccine immunotherapy has been developed that targets several different cancer types, outlines a…

Bright future for self-charging batteries

Who hasn't lived through the frustrating experience of being without a phone after forgetting to recharge…

Disease-associated genes routinely missed in some genetic studies

New research reveals two new ways to identify genes that routinely are missed in studies using…

Mothers’ relationship happiness may influence infant fussiness

How happy a mother is in her relationship and the social support she receives may affect…

New approach to improve detection of landfill-related pollution

A method known as laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) offers a cleaner, faster and simpler approach…

Cancer in the family: One spouse’s diagnosis can lower household income

Caring for a husband or wife with cancer significantly diminishes family income, according to researchers who…