Self-assembled nanostructures can be selectively controlled

DNA self-assembly allows the unprecedented control of the optical properties of plasmonic metamolecules, report scientists.

Climate change clues revealed by ice sheet collapse

The rapid decline of ancient ice sheets could help scientists predict the impact of modern-day climate…

Revealing polymeric fluids behavior at the microscopic scale

An important concept in future healthcare is the development of devices called “lab on a chip”.…

Women in a tenure committee may even make it more difficult for a woman to get a job

Having women in scientific committees may decrease women’s opportunities to get a nomination for a professor.…

Synchronized voltage rhythms could maintain the body’s clock

Cells in the brain’s master circadian clock synchronize voltage rhythms despite asynchronous calcium rhythms, which might…

Ambulances respond more slowly in summer and winter

Ambulance response times in London worsen when air temperatures rise or fall beyond certain limits in…

Could genetics influence what we like to eat?

Gene variants could affect food preferences in healthy people, according to a new study. The findings…

An intimate look at the mechanics of dolphin sex

Using CT scans, researchers visualize the internal dynamics of sexual intercourse in marine mammals. The research…

Totally bizarre facts about the star-nosed mole

In a new synthesis of anatomy research, scientists showcase the surprising, record-breaking and just plain weird…

Timing and duration matters for school lunch and recess

Researchers find that the duration and timing of lunch and recess is related to food choices…