In experiments on Earth, testing possible building blocks of alien life

Extraterrestrial life, if it exists, could use different amino acid building blocks than living things here…

Beta blocker shows cancer-fighting properties

A new study finds that carvedilol, a drug typically used to treat high blood pressure, can…

Altered immune cells may both contribute to preeclampsia and offer new hope for treatment

Researchers have found that the immune system's natural killer (NK) cells activate and change in response…

New test can identify dangerous bacteria with resistance to last-resort antibiotic

New research suggests it is possible to quickly and accurately diagnose some the most dangerous and…

Tiny ‘cages’ could keep vaccines safe at high temperatures

Vaccines and antibodies could be transported and stored without refrigeration by capturing them in tiny silica…

Unravelling a mystery cause of multiple sclerosis

Ahead of MS Awareness Week, an international team of researchers has discovered a new cellular mechanism…

Little kids’ regular bedtimes and ability to regulate emotions may lessen obesity risk

Family structure including regular bedtimes, mealtimes and limited screen time appear to be linked to better…

Smart pills could revolutionize prevention and diagnosis of gut disorders

Researchers have successfully completed phase one human trials of ingestible capsules that have the potential to…

Protein structure: Game-changing PanDDA method unveils previously hidden 3-D structure data

Scientists have developed a new method to extract previously hidden information from the X-ray diffraction data…

Genetics are key to hormone therapy lowering risk of broken bones in older women

Women at the highest genetic risk for fracture benefit the most from hormone therapy, according to…