Data analysis finds lower risk of infection with LASIK than with contacts over time

A meta-data analysis comparing the incidence of microbial keratitis, an infection of the cornea caused by…

Promising mouse model for a devastating genetic deficiency

A potential mouse model for the genetic disorder known as an NGLY1 deficiency has been developed…

Fish oil component helps damaged brain, retina cells survive, shows research

NDP1, a signaling molecule made from DHA, can trigger the production of a protective protein against…

New discovery could aid in detecting nuclear threats

A new way to detect nuclear materials has been developed by researchers. Made of graphene and…

New digital map shows changing racial diversity of America

A geography professor built the most detailed map of racial diversity yet to study the way…

Report recommends ways to improve response to toxic inhalation disasters

Better medical responses to the accidental or intentional release of inhaled toxic chemicals are being developed,…

Making bins more convenient boosts recycling and composting rates

Want to recycle or compost more? Try moving the bins closer, new research suggests. The study…

New survey: Snapchat and Instagram are most popular social media platforms among American teens

A new nationally representative survey of American teenagers age 13-17 finds that teens have shifted their…

Daring declaration: Historians identify rare copy of Declaration of Independence in British archive

After discovering a highly rare copy of the Declaration of Independence in a small records office…

Atomic-level motion may drive bacteria’s ability to evade immune system defenses

A study has found evidence that extremely small changes in how atoms move in bacterial proteins…