Henry the hippo reunites with his baby Fiona

A happy ending for a family of hippos.

‘Long live Cassini’: Nasa scientists say farewell

The chief scientists who worked on the spacecraft react after it plunged into Saturn's atmosphere.

Cassini: Saturn probe dives to destruction

The US-led Cassini space probe reaches a spectacular climax, destroying itself in Saturn's atmosphere.

Cassini: Saturn ‘death dive’ spacecraft in numbers

Cassini's about to crash into Saturn, but here's what it's achieved over the last two decades.

Why scientists are so excited about Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus

Scientists explain how they discovered a water ocean beneath the ice shell of Saturn's moon Enceladus.

Snow leopard off endangered list

The conservation status of the elusive snow leopard is downgraded from "endangered" to "vulnerable".

How Cassini probe reached Saturn

It took seven years for the US-European mission to get to the ringed planet, launching in…

Forty years of space photography

David Malin has spent four decades photographing space. Now retired, he has held a competition to…

Cassini conducts last picture show

The Saturn probe takes some final images ahead of its mission-ending dive into the ringed planet.

Orchid gives up the secrets of its success

Science is laying bare the secrets of orchids, one of the biggest families of flowering plant.