Tidal lagoon: £1.3bn Swansea Bay project backed by review

Plans for a £1.3bn tidal lagoon off Swansea are backed in a government-commissioned review.

‘Star Wars gibbon’ is new primate species

A gibbon living in the tropical forests of China is a new species of primate, scientists…

Mysterious fossils find place on the tree of life

Scientists say they have solved the mystery surrounding a sea creature that lived more than 500…

Nightmare on the pill

Millions of women have no problem with the pill but some find it shatters their mental…

Polar bear cam to show bears’ response to declining sea ice

A camera attached to the neck of a female polar bear shows two bears breaking through…

Blind mice have sight restored

Blind mice regain partial vision after stem cell reprogramming

‘Star Wars gibbon’ is new primate species

Scientists have found a new species of gibbon living in the tropical forests of south west…

‘Puppy talk’ – why do we use it and do dogs respond?

Scientists decode "dog-directed speech" - and they find puppies respond but older dogs ignore it.

Japanese monkey tries to mate with deer

A male Japanese monkey has been filmed trying to mount and mate with a Sika deer.

Donald Trump win ‘won’t sway world on climate’

Targets on CO2 will continue despite a climate change sceptic becoming president, a UK minister says.