Tougher than steel: Japan looks to wood pulp to make lighter auto parts

KYOTO, Japan (Reuters) - The global push among carmakers to make ever lighter vehicles is leading…

Tougher than steel: Japan looks to wood pulp to make lighter auto parts

KYOTO, Japan (Reuters) - The global push among carmakers to make ever lighter vehicles is leading…

Tougher than steel: Japan looks to wood pulp to make lighter auto parts

KYOTO, Japan (Reuters) - The global push among carmakers to make ever lighter vehicles is leading…

Japan GPS satellite launch postponed due to glitch

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan on Saturday postponed the planned launch of an H-2A rocket tasked to…

Japan GPS satellite launch postponed due to glitch

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan on Saturday postponed the planned launch of an H-2A rocket tasked to…

Scientists create safer pig organs with goal of transplants for humans

(Reuters) - Scientists at a Massachusetts company seeking to make pig organs safe enough to be…

Scientists create safer pig organs with goal of transplants for humans

(Reuters) - Scientists at a Massachusetts company seeking to make pig organs safe enough to be…

Infant ape fossil skull illuminates humankind’s remote past

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The lemon-sized fossil skull of an infant ape nicknamed Alesi that inhabited a…

Infant ape fossil skull illuminates humankind’s remote past

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The lemon-sized fossil skull of an infant ape nicknamed Alesi that inhabited a…

Infant ape fossil skull illuminates humankind’s remote past

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The lemon-sized fossil skull of an infant ape nicknamed Alesi that inhabited a…