Sport, sleep or screens: New app reveals the 'just right' day for kids

Not too sport heavy, not too sleep deprived — finding the ‘just right’ balance in a…

New AI system predicts how to prevent wildfires

A machine learning model can evaluate the effectiveness of different management strategies. Click here…

Longer, hotter and more frequent heat waves in cities

Hot days followed by sweltering nights without any temperature relief in between might become a new…

Newly identified genes may help protect crops against flooding, researchers say

Flooding is a global risk, according to the World Bank, with the lives and property of…

Circalunar clocks: Using the right light

How animals are able to interpret natural light sources to adjust their physiology and behavior is…

The origins of donkey domestication

The donkey has shaped the history of humankind, both as a source of power for farm…

Risk factors for heart disease and stroke largely similar in men and women globally

Women and men share most of the same risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), a large…

Astronomy: Is over-eating to blame for bulges in Milky Way bar?

A new simulation conducted on the world’s most powerful supercomputer dedicated to astronomy has produced a…

'Jumping gene' found to be strongly linked to depression, fear, and anxiety

In a multidisciplinary study that combines molecular biology with neuroscience, researchers have found that Tob gene…

Sex-determination mechanisms in birds

Scientists have known that sex-determination in vertebrates happens in the germ cells, a body’s reproductive cells,…