City digital twins help train deep learning models to separate building facades

To automatically generate data for training deep convolutional neural network models to segment building facades, researchers…

Pregnant women with obesity and diabetes may be more likely to have a child with ADHD

Children of women with gestational diabetes and obesity may be twice as likely to develop attention-deficit/hyperactivity…

Researchers identify antibodies that may make coronavirus vaccines unnecessary

A team of researchers has demonstrated that antibodies isolated from the immune system of recovered COVID-19…

New antibody shows therapeutic effects in mice with Alzheimer's disease

A newly developed agonistic antibody reduced the amyloid pathology in mice with Alzheimer’s disease, signaling its…

More detailed alcohol warning labels could reduce health harms, researchers suggest

In a new perspective piece, experts propose updating alcohol container warning labels as a strategy to…

Neutralizing antibodies from single COVID-19 booster steadily decline

Neutralizing antibody levels against the original COVID-19 virus and omicron variants in vaccinated adults tend to…

Researchers map rotating spiral waves in live human hearts

Electrical signals tell the heart to contract, but when the signals form spiral waves, they can…

Surprising discovery links Piezo1 and cholesterol during brain development

A new study reveals how mechanical forces and tissue mechanics influence the morphology of the developing…

Climate data can help model the spread of COVID-19

COVID-19 transmission can be more accurately modeled by incorporating meteorological factors, with ultraviolet (UV) radiation as…

Psychological distress before COVID-19 infection increases risk of long COVID

Depression, anxiety, worry, perceived stress, and loneliness measured early in the pandemic, before infection with COVID-19,…