ESA Euronews: Gravity’s grip on Earth

Gravity is one of the fundamental forces of nature, its invisible grip governing our planet -…


Artist's impression of JUICE, the JUpiter ICy moons Explorer mission, in the Jovian system.

Vega VV02 Zefiro 23 engine installation

Ahead of the launch of Vega flight VV02, the second stage Zefiro 23 engine is installed…

Vega VV02 Zefiro 23 engine installed at CSG

Ahead of the launch of Vega flight VV02, the second stage Zefiro 23 engine is installed…

Vega VV02 Zefiro 23 installation

Ahead of the launch of Vega flight VV02, the second stage Zefiro 23 engine is installed…

Vega VV02 Zefiro 23 solid fuel engine installation

Ahead of the launch of Vega flight VV02, the second stage Zefiro 23 engine is installed…

Southern central Romania

Korea’s Kompsat-2 satellite captured this image of southern central Romania on 2 January 2013. The area pictured…

ESA patch during stratospheric balloon flight

UK company Vorticity Ltd are flying weather balloon to test parachute designs for future Mars landings. With the…

Cool layer in a Sun-like star

One of the great curiosities in solar science is that our Sun’s outer atmosphere – the…

Volare mission name logo

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano is set to fly to the International Space Station in May 2013…