Threatened turtle relocation project demonstrates importance of micro-climate conditions

One of the world’s first attempts to relocate an animal species threatened by climate change—Western Australia’s…

Researchers develop new method to synthesize cannabis plant compound

A group of researchers at Leipzig University has developed a new method for synthesizing cis-tetrahydrocannabinol (cis-THC)—a…

Researchers demonstrate high natural radioactivity of manganese nodules

Manganese nodules at the bottom of the deep sea contain a wealth of valuable metals that…

Radio signal reveals supernova origin

In the latest issue of the journal Nature, astronomers from Stockholm University reveal the origin of…

Genetic research sheds light on what the earliest animals looked like

For more than a century, biologists have wondered what the earliest animals were like when they…

Is it an ant? Is it a plant? No, it's a spider combining camouflage and movement mimicry

A species of tiny, colorful jumping spider employs two lines of defense to avoid being eaten:…

New study detects inaudible sounds of volcanic mudflows

A study published in Scientific Reports shows that catastrophic volcanic mudflows, known as lahars, can be…

Quantum random number generator operates securely and independently of source devices

Quantum random number generators (QRNGs) produce genuine randomness based on the inherent unpredictability of quantum mechanics.…

Earliest sea scorpion from China found in end-Ordovician Anji Biota in Zhejiang

Eurypterids (Arthropoda: Chelicerata), normally known as sea scorpions, are an important extinct group of Paleozoic chelicerate…

James Webb's 'too massive' galaxies may be even more massive

The first results from the James Webb Space Telescope have hinted at galaxies so early and…