Curved spacetime in a quantum simulator

The theory of relativity works well when you want to explain cosmic-scale phenomena—such as the gravitational…

A spontaneous topological Hall effect driven by a non-coplanar antiferromagnetic order in van der Waals materials

Ferromagnets are materials that become magnetized and remain so while they are exposed to an external…

Reading chemicals inside the brain with an aptamer/microelectronic fiber combination

A research group has developed a neural device that detects specific neurotransmitters in the brain with…

Plant cells use mechanical cues to regenerate damaged tissues, shows study

Plants have an impressive ability to regenerate damaged tissues, but how they do it is not…

Human crowds are best modeled by a 'visual neighborhood'

Human crowd dynamics are best predicted by a visual neighborhood model, based on the visual fields…

Understanding how the 'heart' of the plant works may lead to protection from pathogens

Plants, like humans, need to move sugar and other nutrients around their bodies to power their…

Machine learning helps researchers predict the density of states within organic molecules

Organic chemistry, the study of carbon-based molecules, underlies not only the science of living organisms, but…

Replication of room-temperature superconductor claims fails to show superconductivity

A team of physicists at Nanjing University, attempting to replicate the superconductivity results from an experiment…

Heat wave in Asia made 30 times more likely because of climate change, scientists say

A searing heat wave in parts of southern Asia in April this year was made at…

MeerKAT radio telescope catches a 'Mini Mouse' in the sky

Using the MeerKAT radio telescope, European astronomers have serendipitously discovered a new radio nebula during observations…