Dining with dinosaurs: Footprints found at Chinese restaurant

A University of Queensland researcher is part of an international team that has validated the fossilized…

Understanding inflorescence architecture in woodland strawberry provides tools for crop improvement

Flowers in plants are typically arranged into branched clusters called inflorescences. As flowers produce the seeds…

Team develops anticancer nanoparticles with ultrasound activation

Chemotherapy treatments produce strong side effects. A new agent that accumulates in the tumor tissue and…

Increase in number of severe wildfires is slowing recovery of forests in California, reducing carbon uptake

A combined team of environmental scientists from Stanford University and the University of California, Irvine, has…

New research aids fight against treatment-resistant superbugs

Researchers at Simon Fraser University are studying the genes of superbugs to aid the development of…

Investigating beef price spread relationship with processing capacity utilization

Researchers from the University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture and Mississippi State University teamed up to…

A dual quasar shines light on two supermassive black holes on a collision course inside a galaxy merger

Astronomers have made a rare discovery in the early universe involving two actively feeding supermassive black…

Research in Moorea shows the presence of coral skeletons influences reef recovery after bleaching

Natural disasters can devastate a region, abruptly killing the species that form an ecosystem’s structure. But…

How to include 'ecosystem engineers' in our conservation plans

In ecosystems, all species interact with each other and their environment. However, some species have a…

Long-forgotten equation helps scientists track, control carbon dioxide transformations

To manage atmospheric carbon dioxide and convert the gas into a useful product, Cornell scientists have…