Undermining of institutions and lack of local policies hinder fire management in Amazonia

An article published in the International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction discusses Amazon Rainforest wildfire governance…

New digital tool could change the way we see cells

Being able to observe and track the way cells change and develop over time is a…

Natural molecule enhances sunscreen efficacy without increasing concentration of conventional UV filters

An article published in the journal Cosmetics reports an investigation of the effects of including rosmarinic…

Research on reptiles is strongly influenced by access to specimens, finds review

In an article published in the journal Ecography, a group of Brazilian researchers reports the results…

X-ray magnetic circular dichroism: Looking at magnets in the right light

Magnetic nanostructures have long been part of our everyday life, e.g., in the form of fast…

Researchers achieve superionic hydride ion conduction at ambient temperatures

Materials that can conduct negatively charged hydrogen atoms in ambient conditions could pave the way for…

Ice sheets can collapse faster than previously thought possible

Ice sheets can retreat up to 600 meters a day during periods of climate warming, 20…

The unexpected contribution of medieval monks to volcanology

By observing the night sky, medieval monks unwittingly recorded some of history’s largest volcanic eruptions. An…

Researchers develop scalable and continuous surface modification process for magnesium alloy wires

Researchers from IMDEA Materials Institute and German medical equipment manufacturer Meotec GmbH have developed the world’s…

International research team develops method to characterize nanomaterials

Researchers from Paderborn University, the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM),Italy’s national metrology institute, the Politecnico…