Research finds WiFi isn't the only thing connecting us during video calls—our bodies are as well

Can we truly connect with each other through video calls? Yes, according to a recent study.…

Soil nutrients affect how attractive plants are to bees from the ground up, shows study

Pollination is vital for many plants, and nutrients present in the soil before these plants even…

Researchers correlate Arctic warming to extreme winter weather in midlatitude and extrapolate its future

Pictures of melting glaciers and stranded polar bears on shrinking sea ice in the Arctic are…

Growing cells on synthetic PIC gel could save millions of mice

The synthetic PIC gel, discovered in 2013 by Radboud University chemists, appears to behave like collagen.…

Climate change: What if diseases move south rather than north?

Observations and mathematical models generally show climate change spreading animal diseases north, since host species tend…

Keeping competitors away drives colonization success in plant microbiota

In recent years, the microbiota—communities of microorganisms composed primarily of bacteria and fungi that are found…

Quantifying carbon leakage from enhanced rock weathering

A technique known as “enhanced rock weathering” may help remove carbon from the atmosphere, and a…

Tip-enhanced spectroscopy contributes to making 'transformer' semiconductor particles

Is it possible to make wearable devices like Spiderman’s suit that are thin and soft, yet…

Why using too many emojis to substitute words can harm your chances online

Sad face news for heavy emoji users. Click here for original story, Why using…

How are Muslim women who wear headscarves represented in American porn?

As Islamophobia spread in the United States after 9/11, so did the popularity of a subgenre…