Can some snakes do cartwheels to escape or startle predators?

In research published in Biotropica, investigators report that the Dwarf Reed Snake (Pseudorabdion longiceps) performs cartwheels…

Young dog owners tend to cope well when their beloved pooch misbehaves, new study reveals

A new study published in the journal Human-Animal Interactions reveals that young dog owners tend to…

Bacterial signaling across biofilm affected by surface structure, shows study

Similar to how cells within human tissues communicate and function together as a whole, bacteria are…

A cold-specialized icefish species underwent major genetic changes as it migrated to temperate waters, new study finds

Many animals have evolved to tolerate extreme environments, including being able to survive crushing pressures of…

Preventing urban flooding in the face of climate change

Planners have come up with many innovative ways to prevent flooding caused by heavy downpours—from planting…

Porous material for selective trapping of carbon dioxide and toxic gases

A research team at POSTECH has successfully synthesized a new hybrid material that effectively captures carbon…

Countdown begins for the great North American solar eclipse

One year from now, on Monday, 8 April 2024, the moon will pass directly between Earth…

Warming strongly increases nutrient availability in a nutrient-limited bog

The dynamics and availability of nutrients in soil can limit the growth of plants and microbes.…

Students use machine learning in lesson designed to reveal issues, promise of AI

In a new study, North Carolina State University researchers had 28 high school students create their…

Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya-Interaction allows magnon-magnon coupling in hybrid perovskites

An international group of researchers has created a mixed magnon state in an organic hybrid perovskite…