Why Tutankhamun's tomb remains one of the greatest archaeological discoveries ever made

A century on, the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb remains one of the most remarkable archaeological discoveries…

Scientists fill information gap in process of 'molecular arms race' between coronaviruses and their hosts

Coronaviruses have brought about three massive outbreaks in the past two decades. Each step of its…

Fighting deadly air pollution in cities with sensors and satellites

Urban smog is a major threat to human health. New sensors and data-collection techniques will help…

Study investigates male and female travelers' 'transformations'

A new University of Otago-led study has revealed men and women experience change while traveling in…

What a 'cat friendly' veterinary experience looks like

Good feline health care necessitates visiting the veterinary clinic, but many components of a veterinary visit…

Scientists discover changes in aging stem cells

Aging, and the struggle against it, has long been a popular theme in classic and modern…

Swift J1728.9–3613 is a black hole X-ray binary, research finds

Using NASA’s Swift telescope and the Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) instrument onboard the International…

Stable sodium anodes for sodium metal batteries

Sodium secondary batteries have a similar working principle to lithium secondary batteries but are low-cost and…

Ambrosia beetles breed and maintain their own food fungi

Ambrosia beetles practice active agriculture: A bark beetle species breeds and cultivates food fungi in its…

Researcher raises awareness on the health of rivers and lakes—by swimming in them

By swimming the length of the Danube, chemist Andreas Fath hoped to bring attention to the…