Physics of disaster: How mudslides move

In early December 2017, the Thomas Fire ravaged nearly 300,000 acres of Southern California. The intense…

School attendance problems are complex, and our solutions need to be as well

Over the past few years, the pandemic prompted school closures and remote learning that drew international…

Study explores how communities of color remain excluded from all that nature has to offer

Making urban environments greener and giving residents greater access to nature is an increasing focus for…

New technique helps identify genes related to aging

Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new method for determining which genes are…

The immortality of germ cells

Germ cells, the reproductive cells that eventually become eggs and sperm, are set aside early in…

Scientists uncover new clues about the climate and health impact of secondary organic aerosol particles

Peering inside common atmospheric particles is providing important clues to their climate and health effects, according…

Did supermassive black holes collapse directly out of giant clouds of gas? It could depend on magnetic fields

Roughly a half-century ago, astronomers realized that the powerful radio source coming from the center of…

Democracy spreads in waves—but shared cultural history might matter more than geography

Recent events like the war in Ukraine, conflicts over Taiwan and the rise of authoritarian ideology…

70 years of data suggest the Conservatives will suffer a big defeat at the next UK election

With the UK’s new prime minister in office, it looks like the political turmoil of the…

How 1970s conservation laws turned Australia into a tinderbox

Southeast Australia’s bushfire crisis culminated in the devastating bushfire season of 2019 and 2020 that burnt…