Privileges confirmed for straight white men working in STEM

A new study that considered multiple aspects including sexual identity and disabilities confirms a long-held belief:…

To treat or to tolerate pathogens, that is the question

Why do some people seem to never get sick while others consistently fall prey to viruses…

Did supernovae help form Barnard's Loop?

Astronomers studying the structure of the Milky Way galaxy have released the highest-resolution 3D view of…

Droughts in the sixth century paved the way for Islam

Extreme dry conditions contributed to the decline of the ancient South Arabian kingdom of Himyar. Researchers…

Gene interaction that contributes to rice heat tolerance identified

Rice is one of the most important staple crops, on which more than half of the…

Study: Humans responsible for over 90% of world's oil slicks

A team of U.S. and Chinese scientists mapping oil pollution across the Earth’s oceans has found…

Largest study of domestic cat DNA identifies disease-causing variants in new breeds

Thirteen genetic variants associated with disease in cats are present in more pedigreed breeds than previously…

Quantum simulator shows how parts of electrons move at different speeds in 1D

A quantum simulator at Rice University is giving physicists a clear look at spin-charge separation, the…

Photonic integrated erbium doped amplifiers reach commercial performance

Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) are devices that can provide gain to the optical signal power in…

Scientists unravel the mystery of genes that are key to brain development

Scientists are starting to understand the precise workings of a type of gene that, unlike other…