Feeling connected to nature linked to lower risk of snake and spider phobias

A study of over a thousand people in Hungary has found for the first time that…

Organic insecticides more damaging to non-target insects than synthetic counterparts

Very low concentrations of the popular organic insecticide spinosad have profound effects on beneficial insect species,…

Scientists greatly expand the frequencies generated by a miniature optical ruler

Like a vocal coach who extends the octave range of an opera singer, researchers at the…

Carbon payments play a pivotal role in forest protection program

When pay-to-conserve programs don’t come through with payments, they don’t conserve, indicates a case study by…

Scientists visualize electron crystals in a quantum superposition

Princeton scientists are using innovative techniques to visualize electrons in graphene, a single atomic layer of…

The algebra of neurons: Study deciphers how a single nerve cell can multiply

Neurons are constantly performing complex calculations to process sensory information and infer the state of the…

COVID-19 sparked huge slump in number of research jobs

A new report by researchers at The Australian National University (ANU) shows the number of available…

Upcycling plastic waste into more valuable materials could make recycling pay for itself

A new and simple method for upcycling plastic waste at room temperature has been developed by…

Researchers explore the factors that shaped the massive Cauca River canyon in the Tropical Andes

With steep walls and deep valleys, the Grand Canyon in the western United States or the…

Bringing out the best in wild birds on farms

A supportive environment can bring out the best in an individual—even for a bird. …