Medical breakthrough could help produce more beef

A recent research breakthrough in human medicine could help a Texas A&M Department of Animal Science…

Optimal soil phosphorus reduces fertilizer-derived nitrous oxide emissions

A new scientific paper from Teagasc has shown that getting soil phosphorus (P) levels right through…

Gas stoves might pose risks to both our planet and health

In more than 40 million American kitchens, cooking takes place through instantaneous fireā€”the glowing blue flame…

Nanocarrier spray: Better crops without genetic modification

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science (CSRS) in Japan have developed a way…

Study redefines what information is important in quantum measurements

Researchers at Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) have recently tried to capture the interplay…

Insulated hives could protect bees from next summer's heat waves

It was a macabre sight. Dozens of dead drone bees spread over the ground, looking as…

Tiny probes could sail to outer planets with the help of low-power lasers

Space travel can be agonizingly slow: For example, the New Horizons probe took almost 10 years…

Probing the mysteries of deep, dense Antarctic seawater

In the deepest reaches of the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica lies the Antarctic Bottom Water, a…

Colorfully detecting stressed-out polymer films, gels before they break

Stretchy films and squishy gels help make wearable electronics, soft robotics and biocompatible tissues a reality.…

New climate risk report will help businesses assess impact of global warming

A new climate risk “taxonomy” released today is the first framework of its kind to classify…