Urban parks built on former waste incineration sites could be lead hotspots, study finds

For much of the last century, many cities across the United States and Canada burned their…

Incarceration results in drops in short-term economic activity, but has limited long run impacts

The U.S. criminal justice system has expanded considerably since the 1970s. At the same time, male…

The new model powering faster flood predictions

In July 2021, heavy rain fell across Central Europe, resulting in catastrophic flooding that killed more…

Atmospheric scientists reveal much of Houston's ozone exceedance due to air flows from the north

University of Houston atmospheric science researchers have found that while local emissions play a role in…

In 200 years of animal welfare concerns, cruelty remains a significant issue, researcher says

Dr. Helen Cowie from the University of York’s Department of History is investigating human-animal relationships throughout…

Making Arctic field geology accessible by digitizing outcrops

The Svalbox Digital Model Database (DMDb) just made its formal debut into the scientific community in…

New analysis reveals the differing threats to African lion populations

New research published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment, reveals alarming data about dwindling lion…

Q&A: New book examines intersection between climate and information crises

There is a place where the climate crisis and the information crisis collide, and Adrienne Russell…

Firms address corporate scandal with lengthy codes of ethics, study shows

Corporate scandals have been on the rise for the past decade. Click here for…

You say tomato, these scientists say evolutionary mystery

Biologists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have found evidence for evolutionary “syndromes”—sets of traits that…