Illegal hunting threatens songbird prized as delicacy: study

Every year, nearly five million breeding pairs of ortolan buntings—a type of tiny songbird classified as…

Amazon shareholders support selling face recognition tech to police

Amazon on Wednesday confirmed that shareholders rejected proposals to prohibit sales of facial recognition technology to…

Botswana lifts ban on elephant hunting

Botswana on Wednesday lifted its ban on elephant hunting, saying the population had increased and farmers’…

Migration to the north: climate change puts plankton on the move

Climate change that has warmed the world’s oceans has prompted a “worrying” northward migration among some…

One billion year old fungi found is Earth's oldest

Scientists have unearthed fossilised fungi dating back up to one billion years, in a discovery that…

Will FAA's plan for 737 MAX fly outside US?

Getting Boeing’s top-selling 737 MAX back in the skies faces a critical test this week as…

Construction workers find dinosaur fossils in Denver suburb

Construction workers have unearthed fossils in a Denver suburb that experts say could be from a…

Consumer Reports: Tesla automated lane changes are risky

A new automatic lane-change feature of Tesla’s Autopilot system doesn’t work well and could be a…

Data science helps engineers discover new materials for solar cells and LEDs

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a high-throughput computational method to design…

Strange Martian mineral deposit likely sourced from volcanic explosions

Ashfall from ancient volcanic explosions is the likely source of a strange mineral deposit near the…