Sahara snow

The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission has captured rare snowfall in northwest Algeria, on the edge of the…

Heavenly palace

This vivid image shows China’s space station Tiangong-1 – the name means ‘heavenly palace’ – and…

Life, as we know it

Technology image of the week: A sealed ecosystem to sustain astronauts on future space expeditions

Life, as we know it

Technology image of the week: A sealed ecosystem to sustain astronauts on future space expeditions

Space Bites: The Value of the Moon | Paul D. Spudis

The Moon is a destination, a laboratory for science, a place to learn the skills of…

Space Bites: The Value of the Moon | Paul D. Spudis

The Moon is a destination, a laboratory for science, a place to learn the skills of…

Exploring alien worlds with lasers

In everyday life we look and touch things to find out what they are made of.…

Exploring alien worlds with lasers

In everyday life we look and touch things to find out what they are made of.…

Space… clean and untouched?

The ESA’s Clean Space initiative works hard to keep space safe and clean for future generations.…

Space… clean and untouched?

The ESA’s Clean Space initiative works hard to keep space safe and clean for future generations.…