AFSPC announces its Media Contest winners for 2009

Air Force Space Command Public Affairs announced its 2009 Media Contest winners...and the winners are: Best News…

Spectacular Launch Begins a Complex Mission

"What a beautiful launch we had this morning... the orbiter performed extremely well," said Bill Gerstenmaier,…

Space Shuttle Endeavour lifts off – Image

Credits: ESA - S. Corvaja, 2010

Endeavour is in Orbit

About two minutes into flight, the external fuel tank and solid rocket boosters propelling Endeavour into…

Endeavour Launches!

Space shuttle Endeavour and its six astronauts are rocketing toward orbit after a brilliant nighttime liftoff…

Countdown in Final Phase

The last minutes of Endeavour's countdown to launch is marked by several steps, including the retraction…

Mission Management Teams Give “Go” for Liftoff

Space shuttle Endeavour has been cleared for launch this morning at 4:14 a.m. EST. The mission…

Countdown to Launch

At 2:59 a.m. EST the countdown entered a 10-minute built-in hold.Weather is still a primary concern…

White Room Closeout

The White Room crew has closed the hatch and will pressurize the crew cabin, check for…

Retrieval Ships Ready

NASA's Freedom Star and Liberty Star booster recovery ships are in position. Both currently are stationed…