Closeout Crew Repairing Tile, No Risk to Launch

Members of the Closeout Crew are repairing damage to a small area of tile around Endeavour’s…

Teams Make Final Checks at Pad 39A, Weather “Green”

With the six STS-134 mission astronauts aboard space shuttle Endeavour the Close Out Crew has closed…

Crew Strapped Into Their Seats

All six STS-134 astronauts have been securely strapped into their seats by the Close Crew inside…

STS-134 Crew Boarding Endeavour

Launch time continues to draw closer as, one by one, the six STS-134 astronauts are preparing…

MICHIBIKI verified positioning rate improvement in urban areas through its signals

KIZUNA ends support for disaster measures

STS-134 Crew Riding to Launch Pad

Space shuttle Endeavour's six astronauts are on their way to NASA Kennedy Space Center's Launch Pad…

Astronauts Suiting Up for Launch

The six STS-134 crew members are suiting up for launch in their crew quarters at Kennedy's…

KIKU-VIII completes support for disaster measures

KIKU-VIII completes support for disaster measures