Microscopic particles returned from space might be alien visitors

There may be itsy-bitsy aliens among us. Scientists say seven microscopic particles collected by NASA’s comet-chasing…

Stardust Team Reports Discovery of First Potential Interstellar Space Particles

Seven rare, microscopic interstellar dust particles that date to the beginnings of the solar system are…

Supernova SN 2014J Explodes

New data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory has provided stringent constraints on the environment around one of the closest…

NASA’s Chandra Observatory Searches for Trigger of Nearby Supernova

New data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory offer a glimpse into the environment of a star…

NASA to Investigate Climate Impacts of Arctic Sea Ice Loss

A new NASA field campaign will begin flights over the Arctic this summer to study the…

Comet on 7 August (b)

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko imaged by Rosetta's OSIRIS narrow angle camera on 7 August from a distance of…

Rosetta’s comet in 3D

This anaglyph image of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko can be viewed using stereoscopic glasses with red–green/blue filters. The…

ATV-5 approaches for docking

ATV-5 approaches for docking

ATV-5 approaches for docking

ATV-5 approaches for docking

ATV-5 approaches for docking

ATV-5 approaches for docking