Optical Communications and Sensor Demonstration (OCSD) Update

Optical Communications and Sensor Demonstration (OCSD) Update

Hubble’s Planetary Portrait Captures New Changes in Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

Scientists using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have produced new maps of Jupiter – the first in…

Hubble’s Planetary Portrait Captures New Changes in Jupiter’s Great Red Spot

Scientists using NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope have produced new maps of Jupiter – the first in…

Worlds Apart

Although Mimas and Pandora, shown here, both orbit Saturn, they are very different moons.

Worlds Apart

Although Mimas and Pandora, shown here, both orbit Saturn, they are very different moons.

Nalla, the persuader

This fierce creature is Nalla, a female peregrine falcon, resting on her handler, Adrian Rubio Botello.…

Nalla, the persuader

This fierce creature is Nalla, a female peregrine falcon, resting on her handler, Adrian Rubio Botello.…

IARU Agree New Satellite Guidelines

The IARU Administrative Council meeting in Bali, Indonesia has stressed the importance of antenna systems for…

BepiColombo in the spotlight

BepiColombo is Europe’s first mission to Mercury. It will set off in 2017 on a journey…

AMSAT-UK at the RSGB Convention

The after-dinner speaker at the RSGB Convention Saturday night Gala dinner was Howard Long, G6LVB, who…