ISS SSTV activity planned for late Dec. 2015

The ARISS Russia team is making plans to support a couple of Slow Scan TV (SSTV)…

Galileo Soyuz VS13 liftoff

Liftoff of Galileo satellites 11 and 12 aboard Soyuz VS13 took place at 11:51 GMT (12:51…

Galileo Soyuz VS13 liftoff

Liftoff of Galileo satellites 11 and 12 aboard Soyuz VS13 took place at 11:51 GMT (12:51…

NASA’s LADEE Mission Shows the Force of Meteoroid Strikes on Lunar Exosphere

NASA scientists have released new findings about the moon’s tenuous exosphere – the thin layer of…

Galileo Soyuz VS13 liftoff

Liftoff of Galileos 11 and 12 aboard Soyuz VS13 took place at 11:51 GMT (12:51 CET,…

Galileo Soyuz VS13 liftoff

Liftoff of Galileos 11 and 12 aboard Soyuz VS13 took place at 11:51 GMT (12:51 CET,…

ESA Moon Challenge 2015

The ESA Moon Challenge is an International Student Contest for Lunar Exploration, and this video contains…

Earth’s shifting ice

Using data from ESA’s CryoSat mission, scientists have produced the best maps yet of the changing…

Galileo 11 & 12 – Liftoff

Replay of the liftoff of Soyuz carrying Galileo satellites 11 and 12. Galileo sat 11 &…

Galileo 11 & 12 – Launch replay (part 2)

Replay of the separation of Galileo satellites 11 and 12 from their Fregat upper stage. Galileo…