New science to optimize radiation dosage in pediatric imaging

A new framework giving imaging practitioners the ability to optimize pediatric patients' care for tailoring radiation…

Biochemists simulate a protein-folding chaperone’s functional dance

Using a combination of computational and experimental techniques, a research team has demystified the pathway of…

Exclusion from school can trigger long-term psychiatric illness

Excluding children from school may lead to long-term psychiatric problems and psychological distress, a study of…

Obesity prevention guidelines are not followed for preschool children

In a study of nearly 400 preschool children, only one child adhered to obesity prevention guidelines…

Extreme exposure

Researchers have unraveled the negative effects of pesticide exposure on birth outcomes, such as weight, gestation…

Photosynthesis discovery could help design more efficient artificial solar cells

A natural process that occurs during photosynthesis could lead to the design of more efficient artificial…

Racial attitudes of a region can influence decisions by police, researchers say

When more white people in a community hold African-Americans in greater suspicion, that prevailing view may…

Partnering with soil microbes essential to plant and animal life

Soils can be extraordinarily biodiverse and differ widely in the kinds of microbial communities that inhabit…

Racial attitudes of a region can influence decisions by police, researchers say

When more white people in a community hold African-Americans in greater suspicion, that prevailing view may…

Partnering with soil microbes essential to plant and animal life

Soils can be extraordinarily biodiverse and differ widely in the kinds of microbial communities that inhabit…