Relative risk of Alzheimer’s between men and women: Record corrected

White women whose genetic makeup puts them at higher risk for Alzheimer's disease are more likely…

Do estrogen therapies affect sexual function in early postmenopause?

Transdermal estrogen therapy delivered through the skin modestly improved sexual function in early postmenopausal women, according…

Repetitive elements shape embryonic chromatin landscape

Retrotransposons are repetitive elements that form almost half of the mammalian genome. Even though they are…

Galaxy 5 billion light-years away shows we live in a magnetic universe

A chance combination of a gravitational lens and polarized waves coming from a distant quasar gave…

Scores treated after mystery ‘chemical haze’ hits UK coast

A mysterious chemical haze that left scores of people on the English coast with streaming eyes,…

Scores treated after mystery ‘chemical haze’ hits UK coast

A mysterious chemical haze that left scores of people on the English coast with streaming eyes,…

Study of bee health finds no natural medicine in once-promising compound

A new study of possible self-medicating behavior in bumble bees conducted by researchers at the University…

Study of bee health finds no natural medicine in once-promising compound

A new study of possible self-medicating behavior in bumble bees conducted by researchers at the University…

Solar hydrogen production by artificial leafs: Scientists analysed how a special treatment improves cheap metal oxide photoelectrodes

Metal oxides are promising candidates for cheap and stable photoelectrodes for solar water splitting, producing hydrogen…

Mimicking birdsongs

A simple device has been developed that mimics complex birdsongs. The device uses air blown through…