Blowing in the stellar wind: Scientists reduce the chances of life on exoplanets in so-called habitable zones

A new article describes the detrimental impact of stellar wind on the atmosphere of exoplanets.

Researchers advance technique to detect ovarian cancer

Researchers refine and run the first in vivo tests that use fluorescent nanotube-based probes to locate…

Diet success may depend on your DNA

We can add one more thing to the list of traits affected by genetics: how our…

Fish oil component preconditions vision cells to survive future injury or disease

Scientists discovered that a component of fish oil not only protects cells critical to vision from…

Southern Ocean drives massive bloom of tiny phytoplankton

Scientists have uncovered the ocean conditions that support a massive summertime bloom of algae that spans…

Anti-aging protein could be targeted to rejuvenate immune cells

An anti-aging protein called SIRT1, commonly known for being activated by red wine, has been shown…

Targeted treatment could prevent spread of pancreatic cancer, heart damage

A new targeted treatment could benefit patients with certain pancreatic tumors by preventing spread of the…

Excessive screen time linked to suicide risk

Excessive time on electronic devices is linked to a higher risk of depression and suicide among…

Fossilised eggs shed light on reign of pterosaurs

A collection of 200 eggs gives new insights into the development of the extinct flying reptiles.

NASA TV to Broadcast Departure of Cygnus Cargo Spacecraft from International Space Station

After delivering almost 7,400 pounds of cargo to support dozens of science experiments from around the…