Say a fond farewell to the small smartphone

Let's take a moment this weekend to praise and fondly remember the compact smartphone.

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber—where you encounter only people who agree with you—is hardly conducive…

Caught in a political echo chamber? Listening to the opposition can make partisanship even worse

Dwelling in a political echo chamber—where you encounter only people who agree with you—is hardly conducive…

Now we can see brain cells ‘talk’ and that will shed light on neurological diseases

Scientists have developed a way to see brain cells talk -- to actually see neurons communicate…

New research shows how children want their food served

Getting children to eat their food is a challenge for many parents and new research could…

Age, race or need for instant gratification — which best predicts how much you will earn?

Traditional statistics have allowed researchers to understand which things -- like education, occupation and gender --…

Pathology and social interactions: Safety in numbers

What if social behavior affected the progression of even noncontagious diseases? This is precisely what has…

Chaos-inducing genetic approach stymies antibiotic-resistant superbugs

A genetic disruption strategy effectively stymies the evolution of antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as E. coli, giving…

Experiencing homelessness for longer than six months can cause significant damage to a child

Researchers found that children who experienced both pre- and post-natal homelessness and those who experienced homelessness…

8,000 new antibiotic combinations are surprisingly effective

Biologists have identified more than 8,00 new combinations of antibiotics that are surprisingly effective. 'We expect…