The stuff that planets are made of

Researchers have analyzed the composition and structure of faraway exoplanets using statistical tools. Their analysis indicates…

Neuron death in ALS more complex than previously thought

Researchers have discovered that two different kinds of motor neurons that die in people with ALS…

Ideal protein to help seniors rebuild lost muscle

While exercise buffs have long used protein supplements to gain muscle, new research suggests one protein…

Statistical method recreates the history of a long-abandoned village

Archaeologists now have new tools for studying the development of medieval villages and the transformation of…

Seizures begin with a muffle

Contrary to long-held assumptions, researchers find that some seizures start after a burst from neurons that…

Scientists go ‘back to the future,’ create flies with ancient genes to study evolution

Scientists have created fruit flies carrying reconstructed ancient genes to reveal how ancient mutations drove major…

Protein has unique effects in neural connections related to information processing

The protein SAP102, which is implicated in intellectual disability, appears to play a key and potentially…

Micropeptide restores heart function in mice

Researchers have discovered a micropeptide molecule that can restore normal heart function in mice, according to…

Electrons go with the flow

You turn on a switch and the light switches on because electricity 'flows'. The usual perception…

New NIST method measures 3D polymer processing precisely

Recipes for three-dimensional (3D) printing, or additive manufacturing, of parts have required as much guesswork as…